Thursday, September 6, 2012

Two More for the Blog Roll

      On my search for new blogs to read, I came across a few that I found very helpful and wonderfully done. It's an amazing thing to read about other people's experiences and their passions for the teaching profession.

      The first blog I found worth mentioning was a blog called, Fairy Dust Teaching. The name of the blog itself was intriguing enough, but when I clicked on it, I loved what I saw. It has a ton of different pictures of worksheets and ideas. It has all kinds of themes as well. I really enjoy looking at all the ideas here and what the teacher does with the kids. One of them was reading about the different ways for children to learn about Real bears vs Fictional bears. It's a wonderful way to get ideas and share a few of your own!

       Another adorable and great place for ideas was Teri's (her last name was not mentioned) A cupcake for the Teacher. What I love about this is looking at all the pictures of ideas and crafts. They're very creative and just as the blog above, it's a great place to get ideas from. Once again, what drew me to it, was the name, which is absolutely adorable. The best part, though is just looking at all the colorful creations that she uses in her classroom. She puts up some very helpful tips and great craft ideas. One of my favorite things she has are the paint cans decorated and used for things such candy, and similar items.  It's definitely worth a look!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My beliefs about Technology and Learning

Technology is a huge part of everyone's life. It's used every day at home, work, and even school. People can use it for just about everything; communication, social networking, researching, and so on. On the subject of using technology in school, I think it's a pretty good idea. It's a great way for kids to learn. There are a ton of interactive online games. These things are capable of aiding a child's education and its important that they receive nothing but the best. In the same respect, I can see why some people don't like using technology in a school setting. While, if used correctly, it do wonders for the education, so kids abuse the privilege. It's a shame that this happens, but unfortunately too much of anything good can be potentially bad. This is why I think that if you're going to use technology in a classroom, or better yet if the kids do hands on activities using technology, put up so blocks and only allow the things you want them to do. This should hopefully cut down issues with abusing technology privileges.